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Campus Kitchen at UGA partners with the Food Bank of Northeast Georgia

The Campus Kitchen at UGA (CKUGA) applied to become an official partner agency of the Food Bank of Northeast Georgia, which will enable the student led group to shop at the Food Bank for food to use in their meal distribution efforts. While CKUGA has been a long-time partner of the food bank through the Athens Senior Hunger Coalition, CKUGA worked independently to source and collect food donations directly from grocery stores and farms. The partnership will provide CKUGA an affordable backup to restock particular items for Campus Kitchen operations. Additionally, Campus Kitchen’s food safety licensing allows the organization to recover food on behalf of the food bank. This will add the 55,000 pounds of food that CKUGA annually recovers to be included in the Food Bank’s reporting goals, as determined by Feeding America. CKUGA is the first partner agency of the Food Bank of Northeast Georgia that serves in this dual donor/recipient role.

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