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UGA gets federal grant to help communities advance economic development

Truist Bank provides funding for SBDC to establish entrepreneurship academy

The UGA Small Business Development Center helps Macon couple launch—and expand—business

GrowSmart helps business owner improve strategic focus

UGA faculty member recognized as one of state’s most influential Asian Americans

UGA partners on state’s first commercial fishing career pathway, a workforce development program...

Small cattle farm in middle Georgia grows up with help from UGA

UGA Public Service and Outreach awards recognize achievement, creativity and contributions that improve...

Market knowledge and operational flexibility lead freight carrier through pandemic

UGA schedules another webinar to help businesses and nonprofits apply for federal money

UGA continues to assist small businesses hurt financially by the pandemic

Grant boosts development of novel food products from jellyfish

Adapting to COVID-19 restrictions puts veterinary hospital back on track for expansion financing

UGA poised to help small business apply for newly available relief funding

UGA SBDC helps small businesses with new COVID-19 funding

Hispanic chamber honors UGA small business expert

© University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602