A strategic planning meeting at the J.W. Fanning Institute for Leadership Development appeared routine until UGA Public Service and Outreach (PSO) Vice President Jennifer Frum appeared on the Zoom screen and called out the latest PSO Employee Spotlight Award winner, Karen Duncan.
“Karen always goes above and beyond the call of duty to assistant whomever she’s working with in her role as a research professional. Her attention to detail and work ethic is present in all of her interactions with faculty, staff and students,” Frum said. “During COVID 19, Karen quickly and seamlessly adapted all of our reporting strategies to meet the evaluation and data needs of teaching and facilitating virtually.”
Duncan received a gift box of treats and a framed certificate recognizing her Employee Spotlight Award, presented to PSO employees who go above and beyond their normal responsibilities, who produce outstanding work and who contribute significantly to the strategic mission of the division.
Duncan’s primary responsibility is to manage Fanning’s administrative database system that records and reports the institute’s work. In this role, she works with all faculty, program coordinators, public relations coordinators and others to ensure the institute’s work is accurately represented and promoted.
Fanning Institute Director Matt Bishop nominated Duncan for the award
“For 30 years, Karen has remained a constant strength and supporter of the units and faculty she has served through her work at the Fanning Institute, Public Service and Outreach, and the University of Georgia,” Bishop wrote in his nomination. “Her determination, dedication and loyalty exemplify commitment to excellence and servant leadership.”
The PSO Employee Spotlight award was established in 2019 as a way to acknowledge and celebrate the achievements and contributions of employees throughout the year. Duncan is the ninth PSO employee to receive the award since November 2019.
For more information or to make a nomination, go to https://outreach.uga.edu/awards/pso-employee-spotlight/