This summer, youth from six different Georgia counties participated in a University of Georgia summer leadership program that helps prepare students with intellectual or developmental disabilities for their futures while also giving them a college experience.
“I was nervous to be here at first,” said Austin, one of this year’s participants. “But, I have enjoyed this very much and I am proud that I came here. I’ve learned how to be a leader.”
Coordinated by the J.W. Fanning Institute for Leadership Development in partnership with the College of Family and Consumer Sciences, the summer leadership institute is a prerequisite for the Destination Dawgs program, which is housed within the College of Family and Consumer Sciences’ Institute on Human Development and Disability.
The 2018 Destination Dawgs Summer Leadership Institute was made possible thanks to a gift from the NCR Foundation. “NCR Foundation is proud to support inclusive higher education for students with developmental disabilities, this program provides opportunities for the students to grow and reach their fullest potential!” Yvonne Whitaker, NCR Foundation Lead.

Peer mentors get a lot out of the experience too. “They are so open and they integrate into the campus so quickly and it is very rewarding watching them grow,” said Jeremy Zimmerman, a 2018 UGA graduate with bachelor’s degrees in biology and religion who returned to campus to serve as a mentor for the second time.