Mapping Tributes at the State Botanical Garden of Georgia
A project to identify tributes at the garden has turned up 535 benches, plaques, trees and artworks provided by a donor to an honoree.
Clean Marina Program
The Clean Marina Program is a national program that encourages recreational boaters and marina owners to protect coastal water quality by using environmentally sound operating and maintenance procedures.
Vidalia, Georgia: Branding the Sweet Onion City
Faculty and staff from the Carl Vinson Institute of Government peeled back the layers on Vidalia, Georgia, to create a brand that celebrates the famous Vidalia onions and encompasses all that Vidalia has to offer.
Buena Vista
During the summer, landscape design students and professionals from the College of Environment and Design spend 12 weeks in a Georgia community creating a revitalization plan to increase downtown development.
The Power of Collaboration
Communities in Georgia and Alabama surrounding Fort Moore are collaborating with the U.S. Department of Defense and UGA to explore ways to use the buffer zones surrounding the base to leverage local economic development.
Engineering with Nature in Mayport Village
As they revitalize the mainstays of Mayport Village—commercial fishing, education and research, ecotourism, and historic and cultural preservation—residents of the community support their naval neighbor and enhance coastal resiliency.
Public Education and Outreach Can Support Oyster Farming
Breeding familiarity with oyster farming can offset coastal homeowners concerns that the floating cages will ruin their view or boaters fears that they will interfere with recreation.
ACC Community Food Resources
Food-insecure Athenians have hundreds of options for free meals. A public food database—printed and mailed to those without computer service—ensures no one who needs to eat goes hungry.
Executive Leadership Program for Nonprofit Organizations
Started in 2007, the Executive Leadership Program for Nonprofit Organizations (ELPNO) provides professional and leadership development for existing and emerging leaders in the nonprofit sector.
Georgia ETV
The Georgia Education and Training Voucher (ETV) Program ensures timely and expeditious payments to young people who have experienced foster care in order to support their postsecondary educational aspirations.
Innovations in Commmunity Leadership Initiative
The Innovations in Community Leadership Initiative has enabled the Fanning Institute to provide the seed resources and training necessary for underserved communities and organizations across Georgia.
General Civil Mediation Training
As one of 14 approved training sites in the state of Georgia, the General Civil Mediation Training and Practicum courses offered by the J.W. Fanning Institute for Leadership Development aim to prepare mediators to identify the conceptual and experiential circumstances of cooperative conflict resolution.
When Relationships Are Lit
MENTOR Georgia is a statewide affiliate of MENTOR: The National Mentoring Partnership that is working to bring research-backed tools, quality training and customized professional development to Georgia youth mentoring programs.
Walnut Grove High School
From its inception in 2015, the Student Steering Committee leadership program at Walnut Grove High School combined leadership training with civic engagement to build school community and generate lasting impact.
Branching Out: Improving Service Learning in a Forestry Capstone Course
A forestry service-learning class is redesigned to better involve more intentional connection to community partners.
Food Insecurity: Barriers for Elementary School Students in a Rural Community
Study uses social workers’ perspectives to identify elementary school students’ barriers to after school meals
Getting rooted in the community: A Co-Created, Service-Learning Partnership
A partnership was created that allows both college students and middle school students to have authentic learning experiences focusing on the environment around them.
Increasing the Number of Qualified Small Business Suppliers
This workshop is designed to arm business owners with skills to expand capacity, optimize performance and increase their financial acumen.
Using Evaluation to Inform Business Operations
The UGA Center for Continuing Education & Hotel is a full service conference center with multiple restaurants coupled with conference dining opportunities. Through these outlets, over 50,000 meals are served annually.