PSO News Stories TaggedaugustaSelect cardSelect horizontal Around PSOSmall Business Development CenterAugusta business gets federal loan with UGA SBDC assistanceApril 29, 2020ATC Auto Center in Augusta has been in business since 1972, with a second location in Grovetown added later. Brothers Brian and Chris Weeks... Around PSOSmall Business Development CenterAfter helping UGA’s Small Business Development Center for years, accountant turns to the...February 06, 2020Augusta accountant Lisa Mayo knows the UGA Small Business Development Center well. She frequently serves as a tax panelist and QuickBooks expert for SBDC... Around PSOSmall Business Development CenterFueling Growth: The Right Ingredients Lead to Healthy Growth for Augusta Meal Prep...December 10, 2019Former firefighter and nurse Onnie Sanford never intended to start her own business. However, a strong desire to recover her fitness and energy after... Around PSOCarl Vinson Institute of GovernmentInstitute of Government helps Augusta area identify ways to meet workforce needsJanuary 31, 2017Teenagers in vivid red T-shirts tighten steering assemblies with whirring power tools, filling a critical workforce need for Textron Specialized vehicles, a rapidly growing... Around PSOOffice of Service-LearningSmall Business Development CenterLending and marketing assistance from SBDC help put Augusta meat market on the...January 10, 2017Meat markets and butcher shops nationwide are losing more and more customers to competition from traditional grocery stores, super centers and nontraditional food retailers...View All News