PSO News Stories TaggedconservationSelect cardSelect horizontal Marine Extension and Georgia Sea GrantSmall Business Development CenterUGA helps coastal communities mitigate flooding by creating rain gardens to siphon waterAugust 10, 2022The highest property in the Urbana-Perry Park neighborhood in Brunswick, Ga., sits just 10 feet above sea level. Homeowners William and Bonnie Kitts have... Around PSOMarine Extension and Georgia Sea GrantUGA Center for Continuing Education & HotelUGA program certifies ecotourism guides at the Georgia coastJuly 19, 2021Osprey diving for fish, roseate spoonbills foraging in tidal creeks and American oystercatchers tending to their nests on barrier islands are just a few... Around PSOState Botanical Garden of GeorgiaUGA part of federal grant targeting preservation of imperiled plantsJune 24, 2021The State Botanical Garden of Georgia is among four conservation organizations in Georgia to receive federal funding to save 14 imperiled plant species. The... Around PSOMarine Extension and Georgia Sea GrantOffice of Service-LearningUGA students develop plan to improve infrastructure at Fort Pulaski so that the...June 17, 2021A trio of UGA engineering students have found a way to maintain the Fort Pulaski National Monument site as a viable destination for park... Office of Service-LearningState Botanical Garden of GeorgiaUGA’s State Botanical Garden of Georgia brings buzz to the Athens communityApril 22, 2021The buzz around UGA this spring is coming from East Campus Road and Sanford Drive. That’s where bees, butterflies and other insects are gathering... Around PSOMarine Extension and Georgia Sea GrantUGA, fishing industry expand market, protect whalesMarch 03, 2021The University of Georgia Marine Extension and Georgia Sea Grant is working with commercial fishermen to test advanced gear that could expand their catch... Around PSOMarine Extension and Georgia Sea GrantOffice of Service-LearningUGA naturalist retires but legacy will continue on through endowed fellowshipDecember 15, 2020For 30 years, John “Crawfish” Crawford has regaled campers and school children on field trips to the UGA Aquarium, guiding them on nature walks... Around PSOMarine Extension and Georgia Sea GrantUGA partners with Okefenokee swamp to conserve and protect native alligatorsAugust 31, 2020A partnership between University of Georgia researchers and the Okefenokee Swamp Park focuses on conservation and education efforts needed to maintain the swamp’s native... Around PSOMarine Extension and Georgia Sea GrantUGA partners on study to find sustainable methods of harvesting horseshoe crabs...October 23, 2019Pacemakers, prosthetic implants, antibiotics, in fact every medicine or medical device approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, depend on the horseshoe crab.... State Botanical Garden of GeorgiaState Botanical Garden alliance wins national award for conservationJuly 24, 2019The Georgia Plant Conservation Alliance (GPCA), headquartered at the State Botanical Garden of Georgia at UGA, received a 2019 Environmental Excellence Award in the... Around PSOMarine Extension and Georgia Sea GrantSmall reptile, big impact: Gopher tortoises in the care of UGA after rescueJuly 12, 2019Young gopher tortoises are finding a new home at UGA Marine Extension and Georgia Sea Grant while they come out of their shell—figuratively speaking.... Around PSOMarine Extension and Georgia Sea GrantAlumni turn their appreciation for the coast into an opportunity for a studentJuly 08, 2019You can see the salt marsh from nearly every room in Dorothea and Wink Smith’s Hilton Head home. The activity varies with the tide.... Around PSOMarine Extension and Georgia Sea GrantTackling trash—and public health—on the Georgia coastJune 04, 2019We know picking up trash helps keep our environment clean, but could it also improve human health? Jennifer Gay, an associate professor in the... Around PSOState Botanical Garden of GeorgiaState Botanical Garden research director named to CAES professorshipApril 15, 2019UGA horticulturist James Affolter, who oversees research at the State Botanical Garden of Georgia, was named to the newly endowed Larry R. Beuchat Professorship... Around PSOMarine Extension and Georgia Sea GrantUGA scientists investigate marine murder mysteryMarch 27, 2019A team of University of Georgia investigators is working on a murder mystery, not your everyday who-done-it, but one in which the investigators are... Around PSOState Botanical Garden of GeorgiaGift to UGA will boost prairie project at State Botanical GardenJanuary 18, 2019 Native prairie restorations will continue to transform a utility right-of-way at the State Botanical Garden, with support from Georgia Power. The $50,000 gift...12NextView All News