PSO News Stories TaggedRob GordonSelect cardSelect horizontal Archway PartnershipCarl Vinson Institute of GovernmentJ.W. Fanning Institute for Leadership DevelopmentSmall Business Development CenterUGA gets federal grant to help communities advance economic developmentOctober 28, 2021A grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture will allow UGA Public Service and Outreach units to equip rural Georgia communities with the tools,... Archway PartnershipAround PSOCarl Vinson Institute of GovernmentNew leaders tapped for UGA’s Institute of Government and Archway PartnershipDecember 08, 2020New directors will take the reins of UGA Public Service and Outreach programs in January, following the retirements of two longtime public service professionals.... Carl Vinson Institute of GovernmentOffice of Service-LearningRob Gordon named director of the UGA Carl Vinson Institute of GovernmentNovember 30, 2020Rob Gordon, who now heads the UGA Archway Partnership, will become director of the Carl Vinson Institute of Government, effective Jan. 1, 2021. Gordon... Archway PartnershipAround PSOUGA Archway Partnership joins forces with College of Public Health to help plan...July 06, 2020Healthcare professionals in Colquitt County have been better able to plan for their providers’ and patients’ needs during the COVID-19 pandemic thanks to a... Archway PartnershipAround PSOOffice of Service-LearningRural preservation students help Archway community develop agritourismFebruary 21, 2020Creating an agritourism trail and promoting the novelty of farming to outsiders are among suggestions University of Georgia students offered Hart County after touring farms,...View All News