PSO News Stories Taggedskidaway islandSelect cardSelect horizontal Marine Extension and Georgia Sea GrantTrawling for trash: Using recycled shrimp nets to remove marine debrisMay 04, 2022UGA Marine Extension and Georgia Sea Grant has come up with a creative way to clean up the Georgia coast and provide financial support... Around PSOMarine Extension and Georgia Sea GrantNew hydrophones will let UGA Aquarium visitors experience the fascinating world of underwater...June 15, 2020Imagine hearing the sounds the dolphins make as they glide through the water, or the mating call of the oyster toadfish. Visitors to the... Around PSOMarine Extension and Georgia Sea GrantRider helped educate UGA Aquarium visitors, now back in his natural habitatMay 09, 2017Rider, a loggerhead sea turtle who spent the last three years at the UGA Marine Education Center and Aquarium, was returned to his natural... Around PSOMarine Extension and Georgia Sea GrantHundreds turn out to raise money for oyster hatcheryNovember 15, 2016 An oyster roast on the banks of the Skidaway River drew more than 200 people on a perfect fall night to celebrate and... Around PSOMarine Extension and Georgia Sea GrantEvery day a new adventure at the UGA AquariumJune 14, 2016 By noon, Devin Dumont and Lisa Olenderski have fixed a pump that provides necessary sea water from the Skidaway River to the exhibit... Around PSOMarine Extension and Georgia Sea GrantNew “friends” program will help UGA aquarium expandMay 31, 2016Sea turtles, sea horses, and moon jellies are among the sea life exhibited at the UGA Aquarium on Skidaway Island in Savannah and plans... Around PSOJ.W. Fanning Institute for Leadership DevelopmentMarine Extension and Georgia Sea GrantOffice of Service-LearningStudent Scholars explore Marine Extension and Georgia Sea GrantOctober 19, 2015The 20 Public Service and Outreach Student Scholars for Fiscal Year 2016 traveled to Skidaway Island near Savannah for an overview of UGA Marine...View All News