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2017-18 Public Service (PSO) Faculty Fellows helped ensure shoreline stability on the coast, address health concerns in rural Georgia and create a way to measure the impact of leadership training.
The Faculty Fellowships offer tenure-track and tenured professors an opportunity to pursue their research through a unit of UGA Public Service and Outreach. These faculty spend the fall semester of their fellowship with the Archway Partnership, the Carl Vinson Institute of Government, the J.W. Fanning Institute for Leadership Development, Marine Extension and Georgia Sea Grant, the Office of Service-Learning, the Small Business Development Center, the State Botanical Garden of Georgia or the UGA Center for Continuing Education & Hotel, conducting applied, community-based, policy or program evaluation research to fulfill an outreach initiative. Most continuing working with PSO once the fellowship ends.
The vice president for PSO provides $15,000 to a fellow’s home department, to be spent as the department head deems appropriate.
Applications for the fellowships are accepted in March. For more information:
Learn more about the 2017-2018 Faculty Fellows.