PSO News Stories Taggedcoastal georgiaSelect cardSelect horizontal Archway PartnershipJ.W. Fanning Institute for Leadership DevelopmentOffice of Service-LearningSmall Business Development CenterUGA new faculty get a tour of the stateAugust 26, 2022After a two-year hiatus, the University of Georgia New Faculty Tour returned this year with 26 new employees spending four days traveling across Georgia and... Marine Extension and Georgia Sea GrantSmall Business Development CenterUGA helps coastal communities mitigate flooding by creating rain gardens to siphon waterAugust 10, 2022The highest property in the Urbana-Perry Park neighborhood in Brunswick, Ga., sits just 10 feet above sea level. Homeowners William and Bonnie Kitts have... Marine Extension and Georgia Sea GrantOffice of Service-LearningIf students can’t get to the coast, UGA brings the coast to themJuly 18, 2022For more than 50 years, educators at the UGA Marine Education Center and Aquarium on Skidaway Island have hosted pre-K-12 grade students for hands-on... Marine Extension and Georgia Sea GrantMake way for oystersJune 06, 2022UGA helps coastal communities plan for a resurgence in Georgia’s oyster industry Is an oyster livestock? What exactly are the potential land-based components of... Marine Extension and Georgia Sea GrantTrawling for trash: Using recycled shrimp nets to remove marine debrisMay 04, 2022UGA Marine Extension and Georgia Sea Grant has come up with a creative way to clean up the Georgia coast and provide financial support... Around PSOOffice of Service-LearningSmall Business Development CenterUGA Public Service and Outreach awards recognize exemplary service to the stateApril 18, 2022Seven University of Georgia faculty and staff members were honored during the UGA Public Service and Outreach 31stannual awards luncheon for their exemplary service... Around PSOMarine Extension and Georgia Sea GrantUGA seafood pitch competition aims to boost coastal economyNovember 02, 2021UGA Marine Extension and Georgia Sea Grant is looking for innovative ideas to help individuals and businesses in the seafood industry recover from economic... Around PSOMarine Extension and Georgia Sea GrantOffice of Service-LearningUGA creates stormwater management tools to help reduce flooding in coastal communitiesOctober 04, 2021Fact sheets, checklists and a video created by faculty at the University of Georgia Marine Extension and Georgia Sea Grant are helping coastal communities... Around PSOMarine Extension and Georgia Sea GrantUGA Center for Continuing Education & HotelUGA program certifies ecotourism guides at the Georgia coastJuly 19, 2021Osprey diving for fish, roseate spoonbills foraging in tidal creeks and American oystercatchers tending to their nests on barrier islands are just a few... Around PSOMarine Extension and Georgia Sea GrantUGA, fishing industry expand market, protect whalesMarch 03, 2021The University of Georgia Marine Extension and Georgia Sea Grant is working with commercial fishermen to test advanced gear that could expand their catch... Around PSOSmall Business Development CenterClosed, but not “closed”: SBDC helps St. Marys business thrive during COVID shutdownJuly 20, 2020Cottle & Gunn in St. Marys, Georgia, closed its doors in April when the state’s shelter-in-place directives took effect. But the COVID-19 pandemic didn’t... Around PSOCarl Vinson Institute of GovernmentMarine Extension and Georgia Sea GrantUGA helps coastal communities address a potential public health crisis: Failing septic tanksFebruary 26, 2020Ashley Cooper-Heath’s house is on the banks of the St. Mary’s River in Camden County. She and her husband had been there about a... Around PSOMarine Extension and Georgia Sea GrantUGA partners on study to find sustainable methods of harvesting horseshoe crabs...October 23, 2019Pacemakers, prosthetic implants, antibiotics, in fact every medicine or medical device approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, depend on the horseshoe crab.... Archway PartnershipAround PSOCarl Vinson Institute of GovernmentJ.W. Fanning Institute for Leadership DevelopmentMarine Extension and Georgia Sea GrantSmall Business Development CenterNew Faculty Tour provides education and impactAugust 23, 2019The trip ended where it began, with a large coach bus parked outside the Georgia Center in the August heat, a group of about... Around PSOMarine Extension and Georgia Sea GrantSmall reptile, big impact: Gopher tortoises in the care of UGA after rescueJuly 12, 2019Young gopher tortoises are finding a new home at UGA Marine Extension and Georgia Sea Grant while they come out of their shell—figuratively speaking.... Around PSOMarine Extension and Georgia Sea GrantAlumni turn their appreciation for the coast into an opportunity for a studentJuly 08, 2019You can see the salt marsh from nearly every room in Dorothea and Wink Smith’s Hilton Head home. The activity varies with the tide....123NextView All News