About the Award
The Bobbi Meeler Sahm Service and Outreach Award was established by Athens native and strong UGA supporter, Bobbi Meeler Sahm. A UGA alumna, Sahm was born and raised in Athens, Georgia. In 2021, Sahm and her family created a fund to support public service and outreach efforts conducted by partnerships between UGA and Athens organizations. Inspired by this contribution, UGA President Jere W. Morehead directed discretionary funds to this initiative, which will positively impact the quality of life of community residents. The Office of the Vice President for Public Service and Outreach and an awards committee, comprising both university and community representatives, oversee the awarding of these funds.
Applications for the Bobbi Meeler Sahm Service and Outreach Award for the 2023-2024 academic year are closed. More information to come for the 2024-2025 awards. The application process and requirements are as follows:
- Applications will be accepted from UGA units or departments whose faculty and/or staff are partnering with a community organization on programs addressing issues including but not limited to: public health and well-being; Pre-K through 12 education; disadvantaged youth; childhood and adult literacy; civic engagement; and public safety.
- This award is designed to enhance UGA’s Public Service and Outreach mission. As such, funded projects must include a collaborative partnership with an Athens community organization and demonstrate a direct and positive impact on the community. Programs must clarify who will benefit from funding. Please provide a description of the intended target audience.
- Applicants must provide a dean or director’s letter of support for the project with the application.
- Applicants must provide a letter of support from the external partner organization’s executive director/director with the application.
- Applicants should be prepared to provide additional information on their project if deemed necessary.
- All applicants must supply a project budget including a complete and itemized description of how funds will be spent along with any in-kind contributions or additional sources of funds. Any application submitted without this financial information will not be considered for funding.
- Applications for monies to fund the purchase of promotional items and other non-essential “wish list” items are discouraged, except where the item in question is a vital and demonstrated function of the program.
- Awards may not be used to fund endowments, course buyouts, assistantships, or employee salaries.
- There will be no multi-year pledges.
- Applications will be reviewed by the committee.