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Vice President for Public Service and Outreach Jennifer Frum to retire in December

UGA new faculty get a tour of the state

UGA Public Service and Outreach faculty and staff turn out for sixth Day...

UGA gets federal grant to help communities advance economic development

Georgia Center’s youth director recognized with Public Service and Outreach award

UGA partners with Fort Benning to help spur economic development in surrounding counties

Laura Brewer is the latest PSO employee in the spotlight

Healthcare, infrastructure and education are among the topics UGA academic experts will explore...

Georgia Center graphic designer in the Spotlight in May

Institute of Government employee receives PSO award for virtual programming during the pandemic

PSO award goes to Fanning Institute researcher for determination, dedication and loyalty

Georgia Center food and banquet manager is in the PSO Employee Spotlight

New leaders tapped for UGA’s Institute of Government and Archway Partnership

Matthew Colvin named UGA’s Economic Development Director in Atlanta

Rob Gordon named director of the UGA Carl Vinson Institute of Government

Georgia Blue Key recognizes UGA graduate student for commitment to public service

© University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602