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UGA academic, outreach faculty get funding to address rural issues

UGA’s Archway Partnership wins regional award for outreach

Campers get hands-on career education experiences through UGA’s Summer Academy

UGA will feed more local residents this fall with Campus Kitchen on wheels

McDuffie County expands leadership pipeline with UGA support

UGA faculty and grad students help Georgia’s rural downtowns experience a renaissance

UGA helps coastal communities mitigate flooding by creating rain gardens to siphon water

South Georgia couple launches turmeric supplement business with UGA assistance

CCSD students build leadership, problem solving skills at UGA summer program

Seven more Georgia organizations selected for UGA leadership initiative

If students can’t get to the coast, UGA brings the coast to them

Athens residents have easy access to food distributions, thanks to UGA

UGA student-designed park comes to life for Hart County Archway Partnership

Teenage inventors win patent assistance at UGA-run Georgia Science and Engineering Fair

Make way for oysters

Three Georgia Center employees in the PSO spotlight for excellent service

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