PSO News Stories TaggedtrainingSelect cardSelect horizontal Around PSOCarl Vinson Institute of GovernmentBrazil Ministry of Finance approves training program with Institute of GovernmentNovember 05, 2017The Carl Vinson Institute of Government is delivering a training program for the Brazil Ministry of Finance. This is the first time the Institute... Archway PartnershipAround PSOCarl Vinson Institute of GovernmentInstitute of Government and Archway Partnership prepare new guide for Habersham-area business permitsMay 08, 2017The Carl Vinson Institute of Government, in collaboration with the Archway Partnership of Habersham County, prepared an interactive online guide to help new and... Around PSOCarl Vinson Institute of GovernmentWorkshops give UGA students edge in job marketApril 03, 2017Students in UGA's top ranked MPA program are now getting lessons in an area that employers say they need: soft skills. Around PSOCarl Vinson Institute of GovernmentState Road and Tollway Authority to get management trainingMarch 07, 2017More than three dozen supervisors are enrolled in the State Road and Tollway Authority Management Academy, a new professional development certificate program that the... Around PSOCarl Vinson Institute of GovernmentJ.W. Fanning Institute for Leadership DevelopmentFanning and Vinson institutes partner for CCSD governance team trainingMarch 07, 2017The J.W. Fanning Institute for Leadership Development and the Carl Vinson Institute of Government have partnered to provide leadership and governance training to more... Around PSOSmall Business Development CenterUGA offers daylong conference on cybersecurity for small businessesMarch 01, 2017Experts from the FBI, the state of Georgia, Fort Benning U.S. Army base and the private sector will come together for a daylong cybersecurity... Around PSOCarl Vinson Institute of GovernmentSecond-year Lyndhurst grant to support Downtown Renaissance PartnershipFebruary 07, 2017For the second consecutive year, the Lyndhurst Foundation has approved a grant to support a series of downtown revitalization projects coordinated by the UGA... Around PSOSmall Business Development CenterSBDC helps new businesses revitalize downtown MaconJanuary 31, 2017On a warm afternoon, you might find 30-40 people hanging out at the corner of Poplar and First streets, talking, laughing and enjoying a... Around PSOCarl Vinson Institute of GovernmentInstitute of Government helps Gainesville improve downtown access, spur new growthJanuary 31, 2017To get from Brenau University and the Northeast Georgia Medical Center to Gainesville’s business district means navigating across four bustling streets—a virtual traffic moat... Around PSOJ.W. Fanning Institute for Leadership DevelopmentFanning Institute helps girls prepare for college, find scholarshipsJanuary 31, 2017A college education once seemed out of reach for Geniquiya Meredith. She heard about the crippling costs to attend even a state-supported school. There... Around PSOCarl Vinson Institute of GovernmentAtlanta citizen advisers to enhance governance skills through new programNovember 09, 2016The UGA Carl Vinson Institute of Government will administer a 10-month Community Leadership Institute for citizens serving on Atlanta’s Neighborhood Planning Units (NPUs) under... Around PSOCarl Vinson Institute of GovernmentOffice of Service-LearningNo time to waste: Economic developer’s training gives Georgia communities an edge in...July 11, 2016 Kyle Fletcher is the one sitting in the classroom, but the new Georgia Certified Economic Developer Program offered by the University of Georgia... Around PSOSmall Business Development CenterUGA boot camp helps small businesses navigate the digital worldJanuary 25, 2016Figuring out how to reach customers in the digital age can be intimidating for new entrepreneurs and fledgling small businesses. The University of Georgia... Around PSOJ.W. Fanning Institute for Leadership DevelopmentUGA hosts executives for non-profit organization leadership trainingJanuary 15, 2016Nonprofit leaders from around Georgia and as far away as Boston are participating in an intense, one-week leadership development program at the UGA J.W.... Around PSOGeorgia Center gets early care and learning contractDecember 08, 2015The Georgia Center’s Early Care and Education Initiatives department was awarded a new contract from the Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning to... Around PSOSmall Business Development CenterUGA sets the standard for small business programsOctober 26, 2015When other states are looking for best practices in small business development, they’re looking more often at the University of Georgia. In recent years,...Prev1234NextView All News