PSO News Stories TaggedArchway PartnershipSelect cardSelect horizontal Archway PartnershipJ.W. Fanning Institute for Leadership DevelopmentUGA helps Colquitt County develop future leadersDecember 03, 2021In the fall of 2018, Colquitt County eighth-grader Jayden Smith wasn’t sure about giving up his Saturdays to participate in a new program called... Archway PartnershipCarl Vinson Institute of GovernmentJ.W. Fanning Institute for Leadership DevelopmentSmall Business Development CenterUGA gets federal grant to help communities advance economic developmentOctober 28, 2021A grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture will allow UGA Public Service and Outreach units to equip rural Georgia communities with the tools,... Archway PartnershipAround PSOIn 2015, Pulaski County’s hospital faced bankruptcy. Then UGA stepped in.August 27, 2021Without assistance from the University of Georgia, Taylor Regional Hospital in Hawkinsville might have closed six years ago. Instead, earlier this month, community leaders... Archway PartnershipCarl Vinson Institute of GovernmentHealthcare, infrastructure and education are among the topics UGA academic experts will explore...July 01, 2021Eight individual or teams of UGA academic faculty members were awarded seed grants to conduct research in rural communities alongside faculty from Public Service... Archway PartnershipAround PSOWith the help of UGA students, rural southwest Georgia community embraces transit to...April 29, 2021When most people think of public transportation they envision populous, metropolitan areas. Not Moultrie, Georgia. But when local residents started missing doctor’s appointments, were... Archway PartnershipCarl Vinson Institute of GovernmentJ.W. Fanning Institute for Leadership DevelopmentMarine Extension and Georgia Sea GrantOffice of Service-Learning2021 Four for the FutureApril 19, 2021Now in its ninth year, the Four for the Future Awards, co-sponsored by Georgia Trend magazine and UGA, recognize communities and regions that have... Archway PartnershipCarl Vinson Institute of GovernmentUGA Institute of Government helping communities be more than “Anywhere USA”April 07, 2021After a year-long process led by UGA’s Carl Vinson Institute of Government, residents of Washington County—a UGA Archway Partnership community— and its eight municipalities... Archway PartnershipAround PSOCarl Vinson Institute of GovernmentNew leaders tapped for UGA’s Institute of Government and Archway PartnershipDecember 08, 2020New directors will take the reins of UGA Public Service and Outreach programs in January, following the retirements of two longtime public service professionals.... Carl Vinson Institute of GovernmentOffice of Service-LearningRob Gordon named director of the UGA Carl Vinson Institute of GovernmentNovember 30, 2020Rob Gordon, who now heads the UGA Archway Partnership, will become director of the Carl Vinson Institute of Government, effective Jan. 1, 2021. Gordon... Archway PartnershipAround PSOOffice of Service-LearningUGA reaffirmed as Innovation and Economic Prosperity UniversitySeptember 17, 2020The University of Georgia has been reaffirmed as an Innovation and Economic Prosperity University by the Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities (APLU). The... Archway PartnershipAround PSOArchway communities provide opportunities for UGA College of Public Health studentsSeptember 03, 2020As a high school student in Hawkinsville, Georgia, Helley Patel was involved in a youth leadership program developed through the Pulaski County Archway Partnership,... Archway PartnershipAround PSOUGA Archway Partnership joins forces with College of Public Health to help plan...July 06, 2020Healthcare professionals in Colquitt County have been better able to plan for their providers’ and patients’ needs during the COVID-19 pandemic thanks to a... Archway PartnershipAround PSOCarl Vinson Institute of GovernmentUGA partnership helps Georgia communities manage their infrastructureJune 17, 2020Angela Nguyen has been sheltering at home since March, but the UGA College of Engineering graduate student is still hard at work researching how... Archway PartnershipAround PSOExperience in UGA Public Service and Outreach helped prepare alumna for pandemic recoveryMay 14, 2020Dealing with a crisis is nothing new for Sarah Jackson (BA ’11, MPA ’15), community partnerships manager at the Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland... Archway PartnershipAround PSOOffice of Service-LearningRural preservation students help Archway community develop agritourismFebruary 21, 2020Creating an agritourism trail and promoting the novelty of farming to outsiders are among suggestions University of Georgia students offered Hart County after touring farms,... Archway PartnershipAround PSOUGA Archway helps launch high school welding program to build local workforceFebruary 13, 2020Students at Thomson High School now have an on-site training program designed to help them prepare for available jobs when they graduate and meet...Prev1234567NextView All News