PSO News TopicArchway PartnershipSelect cardSelect horizontal Archway PartnershipAround PSOOffice of Service-LearningRural preservation students help Archway community develop agritourismFebruary 21, 2020Creating an agritourism trail and promoting the novelty of farming to outsiders are among suggestions University of Georgia students offered Hart County after touring farms,... Archway PartnershipAround PSOUGA Archway helps launch high school welding program to build local workforceFebruary 13, 2020Students at Thomson High School now have an on-site training program designed to help them prepare for available jobs when they graduate and meet... Archway PartnershipAround PSOFifth annual UGA Day of Service benefits local nonprofits and agenciesDecember 10, 2019More than 200 UGA Public Service and Outreach employees planted flowers, organized books, walked dogs and reconstructed a middle school garden in Athens-Clarke County... Archway PartnershipAround PSOOffice of Service-LearningStudents spend fall break helping communities recoverNovember 12, 2019IMPACT Service Break students used their fall break to serve their fellow Georgians who are recovering from back-to-back natural disasters. During the Nov. 1-3... Archway PartnershipAround PSOJ.W. Fanning Institute for Leadership DevelopmentOffice of Service-LearningUGA’s first Archway Partnership community continues to build on its successesSeptember 09, 2019When they keep inviting you back, you must be doing something right. Colquitt County leaders have continued to fund the Archway Partnership in their... Archway PartnershipAround PSOCarl Vinson Institute of GovernmentJ.W. Fanning Institute for Leadership DevelopmentMarine Extension and Georgia Sea GrantSmall Business Development CenterNew Faculty Tour provides education and impactAugust 23, 2019The trip ended where it began, with a large coach bus parked outside the Georgia Center in the August heat, a group of about... Archway PartnershipAround PSOSmall Business Development CenterUGA student designs plans for an Archway Partnership community welcome centerAugust 13, 2019An abandoned storefront on the Moultrie downtown square will be repurposed into a welcome center where newcomers and visitors can find information about Colquitt... Archway PartnershipAround PSOCarl Vinson Institute of GovernmentUGA Institute of Government, Archway Partnership create brand designed to draw people to...July 19, 2019Day-trippers, agritourists and businesses are being invited to “Come Home to Hawkinsville” to visit, shop and perhaps put down roots in the Pulaski County... Archway PartnershipAround PSOCarl Vinson Institute of GovernmentUGA students drive improvements to Thomson Twin CinemaJuly 01, 2019 UGA students recommend sales technology, infrastructure updates and a community survey as part of a revitalization of the Thomson Twin Cinema, a critical... Archway PartnershipAround PSOUGA students work through Grady County Archway Partnership on capstone projectJune 14, 2019It may be a coincidence that Grady College and Grady County share the same namesake in Henry W. Grady, but they also share something... Archway PartnershipAround PSOOffice of Service-LearningSmall Business Development CenterFaculty in the College of Education and in Cooperative Extension named PSO FellowsMay 03, 2019 Faculty members from the College of Education and Cooperative Extension, in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, have been named Public Service... Archway PartnershipAround PSOOffice of Service-LearningUGA Center for Continuing Education & HotelCollege of Engineering Students Showcase Archway Partnership ProjectsMay 01, 2019 UGA College of Engineering students completed capstone design projects in five Archway Partnership counties, putting their academic education into action and providing a... Archway PartnershipAround PSOMarine Extension and Georgia Sea GrantOffice of Service-LearningSmall Business Development CenterInaugural Student Tour of Georgia highlights UGA’s reachApril 02, 2019Twenty-five University of Georgia undergraduate students got a firsthand look at how UGA is making a difference in Georgia communities during the inaugural Student Tour... Archway PartnershipAround PSOJ.W. Fanning Institute for Leadership DevelopmentOffice of Service-LearningUGA Leadership Program Helps Boost Women into Top Roles in Rural Georgia CommunityMarch 12, 2019 One of the first priorities of the Pulaski County Archway Partnership was to identify new and emerging leaders in the community. Today, just... Archway PartnershipAround PSOHigh school classmates and friends endow UGA scholarship for Colquitt County High School...February 28, 2019An idea fostered during a 50th high school reunion is now a permanent legacy that will benefit future generations in south Georgia’s Colquitt County.... Archway PartnershipAround PSOOffice of Service-Learning2018-2019 PSO Student Scholar: Erin HoganFebruary 18, 2019Hometown: Roswell, GA Year: Junior College: School of Public and International Affairs, Franklin College of Arts and Sciences Major: International affairs and women’s studies Internship Unit: Archway...Prev1234567…13NextView All News