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Georgia Sea Grant awards over $800,000 in funding toward coastal research

Mapping the king tide flood

UGA Marine Extension to measure flooding levels during king tide

Student Scholars explore Marine Extension and Georgia Sea Grant

UGA Marine Extension and Georgia Sea Grant welcome 2015-2016 marine education interns

UGA to participate in multi-state flood watch during Hurricane Joaquin

PSO Faculty Fellow works to better prepare coastal Georgia for natural disasters

UGA launches Rain Garden app

Septic System Challenge video receives National Gold Award

UGA New Faculty Tour to visit 13 cities, 43 counties

UGA Marine Extension, Georgia Sea Grant featured in GPB Eco Sense

UGA employee receives U.S. Patriot Award

School children give back to Marine Extension

EcoScapes to celebrate National Pollinator Week with garden program in Brunswick

Clarke County 5th graders participate in youth leadership trip to Skidaway Island

Educators learn about coastal issues at Green Eggs and Sand workshop

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